2014년 10월 5일 일요일

Popular beliefs in alcohol

Popular beliefs in alcohol 

Have you ever talked interesting things about alcohol with friends? Such as the funny believe likes to smoke before drinking cam make you more drunk or empty stomach while drinking alcohol can make you even drunker. Even though alcohol is something we have to take extra care, but it is also something we need for celebrations or used in special days in holidays. So today let me show you the truth and false about these interests believes of alcohol, let get move on!    

Throw up only just for sober up?

Personally, I share huge sympathize related this believe. However, this believes was actually not true. The reason you experience inebriated is because the alcoholic ingredient yet while you vomiting you are throwing up gastric acid with the food. Thus if you habitually force yourself to vomit gastric acid will flow backward and causes damage in your throat and stomach.

Smoking while drinking can make you drunker?           

Yes, it is true. Nicotine can oversupply the gastric acid and worsen the proper functions of liver.  When livers begin to weaken its detoxification ability, it would quicken you to get drunk. In research conducted by Midwestern University, they have tested 133 college students for how smoking can do to people while drinking alcohol. The group that drinks after seven beers with smoking found more symptoms of dizziness or serious hangover compares to the group who only drinks beers.

Drinking with empty stomach causes you serious hangover? 

This has been proven by Swedish scientists. They also divided experimenter into two groups one group with food before drinking and others without it. The result was distinct and obvious; the group eats before drinking was conducted fewer figure of alcohol and fewer hangovers. The researcher said that’s because the foods absorb most of its liquid.  

but always remember over drinking can cause serious disadvantages 

댓글 3개:

  1. I didn't know about these thing. It is very interesting that hangover is harder when i don't eat food before drinking. I have to eat dinner before drinking. Thank you for posting about interesting facts.

  2. This post is very interesting!
    I didn't know that smoking while drinking make people more drunker.
    Because my friends who smoke while drinking, drinks very well and I haven't seen them drunk or hangover.
    Maybe I should tell these facts to my friends who like drinking.
    Thank you for your post~~~~:D

  3. This posting is very interesting to me! Really, Many friends smoke while drinking. However, This behavior make people more drunk! This information makes me surprised! I will tell it my friends. Thank you for your posting!
